In March, 1998 — I founded KG/EKG Press (, dedicated to publishing in ECG/ACLS/Arrhythmias — with goal to facilitate learning in cardiology-related topics. As sole proprietor of KG/EKG Press — I have published 8 different pocket brain books (some now in their 5th and 6th editions) plus 6 ePubs ( I had published 10 books prior to founding KG/EKG Press (for Mosby, Blackwell). I feel blessed that my material has been used nationally and internationally by more than half a million health care providers.
- NOTE #1 (April 4, 2021): For a variety of reasons — I am no longer writing books. The last editions were in 2014 (for ECG Interpretation) — and in 2013 (for ACLS/Arrhythmias).
- I remain extremely active with entries to my ECG Interpretation Blog (over 3 million views over the past 13 years). I have been an Associate Editor on Dr. Smith's ECG Blog since 2018, and have written over 500 comments on this blog (Dr. Smith's ECG Blog counts over 21 million views since 2010!). I also actively participate on numerous other ECG interpretation sites.
- I regularly receive e-mail queries regarding ECG & Arrhythmia interpretation from clinicians practicing all over the world (including in French, Spanish, Italian).
- After 9 years of service — my ECG Competency program for primary care clinicians closed in December, 2020.
- I am no longer doing ECG Workshops with University at Sea.
NOTE #2: — I opened this web page in 2015 on
- Information regarding my Introductory and more Advanced ECG books and ePubs is summarized on a 2-page pdf found at THIS LINK —
- I am no longer selling individual copies of my books. Please go to my amazon author page = — if you would like information and/or to purchase any of my ECG/Arrhythmia/ACLS books. Unfortunately, due to recent difficulties with amazon starting in December, 2021 — my books are no longer sold on the amazon site. Other vendors are still selling my books ...
- BUT — My ePubs continue to be offered on kindle (at the above amazon link) — as well as on ibooks. Search in any of those STORES for "grauer ecg" or "grauer acls" should bring my ePubs right up for you. All ePubs go for $9.99 — and are added directly on to all of your devices for this one price.
- I do continue to sell quantity orders for any of my books. Please E-Mail Me Directly if interested in quantity purchase!
- Feel free to WRITE ME at for specific questions.
THANK YOU for your interest and support!
Ken Grauer, MD (7/4/2022)
- About the Author (Mini-CV for Ken Grauer, MD — 4/4/2021)
NOTE #3: Please check out the LINKS to my work that are posted in the upper right of this web page!
For FREE On-Line access to my GLOSSARY of ECG-Related Terms — Click on this easy-to-remember LINK = —